Jumat, 25 Januari 2013

What Now for the NLRB? Recess Appointments Invalid

Although undoubtedly not the last word, today's opinion by the D. C. Circuit Court of Appeals limiting the President to make "reces...
Rabu, 23 Januari 2013

The "New Sheriff" Leaves Town

After arriving at the Department of Labor, Hilda Solis famously proclaimed that there was a new sheriff in town. Hilda Solis, new sheriff at...
Jumat, 04 Januari 2013

Veganism Protected As a Religion? Not So Fast

Writing from Austin, where almost every menu offers at least vegan alternatives, I hate to put a damper on what is surely going to be the qu...
Kamis, 03 Januari 2013

Goodbye to the 112th Congress, Hello the the 88th?

It does not seem that many will shed many tears for the now departed 112th Congress, although I am not sure that any one seems hopeful that ...