Kamis, 26 Oktober 2017

Commercial Vehicle Insurance for Independent Truckers. What Do You Need and How Much?

The Department of Labor estimates that nine percent of America's 3.4 million truck drivers are independent owner-operators . If you&...
Rabu, 25 Oktober 2017

Insure Your Home-Based Business with These Basic Policies

First the bad news: U.S. unemployment is stuck at 9.7%, jobs in some sectors are never coming back and prospects are even dimmer for the b...

Employment Practices Liability Insurance for Non-Profits

You're one of the good guys. You operate one of America's 1.5 million non-profits. So nobody would want to sue you. Right? Wrong...
Selasa, 24 Oktober 2017

Professional Liability Insurance Quotes for Engineering Firms

August 23, 2010 by EINSURANCE With British Petroleum facing a staggering three dozen lawsuits ranging from ...

Professional Liability Insurance Quotes for Engineering Firms

August 23, 2010 by EINSURANCE With British Petroleum facing a staggering three dozen lawsuits ranging from ...

Insurance Considerations For The Small Business

In the United States and the rest of the world, hundreds of thousands of new businesses are created every day. The vast majority of thes...
Senin, 23 Oktober 2017

Do You Need Commercial Crime Insurance Coverage?

Along with all the other miseries this prolonged recession has visited on American businesses add an uptick in employee theft. It take...

Cyber Liability and Data Insurance for Businesses in the Age of Cloud Computing

November 9, 2010 by EINSURANCE Cloud computing is here and you don't need to be a tech company to reap ...

Long-Term Disability Insurance: Essential Coverage for Singles

About 48% of all adult Americans are legally single. If you're one of them, whether by choice, divorce or because you still haven...
Minggu, 22 Oktober 2017

How to Shop for Commercial Fleet Insurance

If you're like every other small business owner in today's economy, you're scrambling around for ways to save money. Conside...

Does the Charitable Board You Sit on Have D&O Coverage?

November 17, 2010 by EINSURANCE The rewards for voluntarily sitting on the board of a non-profit aren't always...
Sabtu, 21 Oktober 2017

Product Recall Insurance & Inland Moving Cargo Coverage for Business

January 1, 2011 by EINSURANCE It's a new year, so let's indulge in a bit of forecasting. Let's ...

Musical Instrument Insurance Floaters

Maybe you didn't get 11 pipers piping or 10 drummers drumming but if your true love brought you a new musical instrument of any so...
Jumat, 20 Oktober 2017

Jewelers Block Insurance for Small Retailers

Planning to parlay those five golden rings from your true love into a neighborhood jewelry store? With the price of gold and other preci...
Kamis, 19 Oktober 2017

Key Man Life Insurance and Tax Deductions

The recent news about the health of Apple, Inc.'s visionary founder and CEO Steve Jobs should be food for considerable thought for...

How to Maximize Your Insurance Tax Deductions for 2010

The tax man cometh and he's headed for your wallet. Itemize your tax return and take full advantage of all legitimate income tax ded...
Rabu, 18 Oktober 2017

Are Insurance Benefits Taxable?

Tick. Tick. Tick. April 15 is coming. About 1% of the population is audited every year, but in an effort to bolster revenues, the IRS is...

How to Save on Workers Compensation Insurance for Small Business, Part I

February 14, 2011 by EINSURANCE If you have at least one employee, every state in America except Texas requ...

How to Save on Workers Compensation Insurance for Small Business, Part II

February 14, 2011 by EINSURANCE When calculating premiums for workers compensations insurance quotes for yo...

Are Insurance Settlements Taxable Income?

Uncle Sam wants you to declare every single penny of taxable income. Failure to do so may result in an audit (which makes root canal wit...
Selasa, 17 Oktober 2017

How to Save on Workers Compensation for Small Business, Part III

February 18, 2011 by EINSURANCE As a small business owner, you know that keeping the doors open often invol...

Does Your Professional Liability Insurance Cover Social Media Risks?

March 16, 2011 by EINSURANCE Do you use social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn for your busine...
Senin, 16 Oktober 2017

Does Your Employers Practice Liability Insurance Cover Social Media Risks?

Businesses large and small are using social media tools for communication, marketing and even recruiting. Many are doing so without unde...

Does Your Product Liability Insurance Cover Social Media Risks?

March 21, 2011 by EINSURANCE Social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter are excellent ways to share i...
Minggu, 15 Oktober 2017

Small Business Insurance Basics for Start-Ups

There are more than 7 million small businesses in the United States. Although the federal government defines a small business as any c...

How to Shop for Small Business Insurance

Cost-cutting has become a national passion, and it's tempting if you're a small business person, especially a sole proprietor, t...