Minggu, 05 Juni 2011

While I Am in the Land of Aloha, the Legislature Permits Guns on Employer Parking Lots Premises

I am vacationing on the Garden Island, but taking some time tonite to catch up on what's been going on. When I left Texas the legislature was still in session, although I thought all the economic problems would keep them from doing too much mischief potentially harmful to employers.

But I was as wrong about that, as I was right about how great Kauai would be.

While I was playing, Russell Cawyer at Texas Employment Law Update was posting on the passage of S.B. 321, which puts Texas in company with those states which prohibit employers from barring employees who are licensed to carry weapons from having them in their locked cars in the employers parking lot. There are a couple of exceptions, but they are not going to pick up many employers. Like other states, there is indemnity protection for the employer, although there is that troublesome exception for "gross negligence."

I am not a fan of these laws, although I can't say that I can post of any adverse consequences that have occurred in other states. Hopefully, I won't have occasion to update this post in the future with such a report.


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Related : While I Am in the Land of Aloha, the Legislature Permits Guns on Employer Parking Lots Premises

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